Local Hiring
Thorobird believes that the biggest asset in the communities where it invests is people. Thorobird works to activate and enfranchise local community members who demonstrate a hard work ethic and a sound moral compass. Elizabeth “Candy” Rodriguez is an example.
Candy came so Thorobird as a parking client of an owner whose property Thorobird had purchased for the redevelopment of supportive, low and moderate income housing. Candy had been not only a client, but had kept the grounds of the parking garage clean for the benefit of the owner and of her fellow parkers. When she heard that Thorobird would be shutting down the parking, she asked if there was any way to preserve the parking until the time of actual construction and volunteered to run the operation. Thorobird agreed and Candy ran a successful parking operation for over a year. In that time, Candy displayed impressive leadership qualities, a hard work ethic and a strong moral foundation.
Thorobird decided to hire Candy to work in a development administration role, where she reports on field conditions for compliance and performance. Candy finished her OSHA classes and is doing a wonderful job on the project. We look forward to her growing with the Firm.